What is the cost of terminating a pregnancy?
We recommend calling by phone (5556 1508 or 5355 6057 or TOLL-FREE 01800 832 8964).
If i live outside of Mexico City, abroad, can I go to terminate my pregnancy?
Yes, before 12 weeks of gestation, and only in Mexico City.
If I am under age, can I legally terminate the pregnancy?
Yes, but the patient must be accompanied by their father, mother, guardian, or legal representative, who must also bring an original official identification and the patient's original birth certificate.
Is pregnancy termination legal in Mexico?
Yes, It is legal.
Can I work after undergoing a procedure?
The doctor will provide this information during your evaluation consultation.
When can I resume sexual intercourse?
The doctor will provide this information during your evaluation consultation.
Can I travel the same day after my intervention?
The doctor will provide this information during your evaluation consultation.
Will my data be confidential?
Confidentiality is absolute, we are extremely rigorous in maintaining the privacy of our patients, also we comply with the Data Protection Law.
How to schedule an appointment for an interruption?
Here´s one of the differences that you will find is that we strive every day to give you the best service and to be able to achieve this, we ask that you schedule your appointment a day or more in advance by telephone, which is available to schedule your appointment 24 hours a day.
What are the hours of operation for appointments?
From Monday to Friday, from 9:30 am to 4:00 pm, Saturdays from 8:00 am to 2:00 pm. And Sundays from 9:00 am ALWAYS BY APPOINTMENT BY CALLING OUR PHONES 24 HOURS.
Is the clinic legal?
It is a private specialized gynecological center with all legal permissions for your medical care.
Are the doctors are qualified to treat me?
The medical staff is professionally certified and has sufficient gynecological experience to assist you in any emergency.